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14th June 2023

Should I Buy a House with Bats in the Attic in the UK?

Purchasing a house is a significant investment, and there are numerous factors to consider before making a decision. One particular concern that may arise when considering a property is the presence of bats in the attic. Bats are protected species in the UK, and their presence can have both advantages and disadvantages. This article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the considerations involved in buying a house with bats in the attic in the UK.

Bats in the Attic in the UK


Understanding Bats and their Protection

Bats play a crucial role in maintaining the ecosystem by pollinating plants, dispersing seeds, and controlling insect populations. In the UK, all species of bats are protected by law under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 and the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017. This protection extends to their roosts and breeding sites.

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Advantages of Buying a House with Bats

Environmental Benefits

Owning a property with bats can contribute to the preservation of these protected species, supporting biodiversity and promoting sustainable practices.


Legal Protection

The presence of bats ensures legal protection for the roost and surrounding areas, preventing any development or disturbance that may harm the bats or their habitat.


Educational Opportunities

Bats can offer unique educational opportunities, allowing residents to learn more about these fascinating creatures. Additionally, bat-watching can be an enjoyable and rewarding recreational activity.


Disadvantages of Buying a House with Bats

Maintenance and Repairs

Bats can create guano (droppings) and emit a distinct odour, which may require regular cleaning and maintenance. This could be time-consuming and costly, especially if professional assistance is needed.


Noise and Disturbance

Bats are nocturnal animals, and their activity at night, such as fluttering wings or vocalizations, may cause disturbance for some residents, affecting sleep patterns or causing anxiety if they are above the room you are sleeping in.


Limitations on Property Modifications

Due to legal protection, certain modifications to the property may be restricted. This could include limitations on roofing repairs, insulation upgrades, or attic conversions, potentially impacting the flexibility of future renovations.


Considerations and Mitigation Measures

Professional house Survey

Before purchasing a property with bats in the attic, it is advisable to hire a professional bat surveyor. They can provide a thorough assessment of the bat population, the condition of the roost, and potential issues or costs associated with their presence.


Legal Compliance

Ensure that the property complies with legal requirements, such as having the necessary licenses or exemptions in place. Consult with local authorities or conservation organizations to understand the obligations and procedures for protecting the bats and their habitat.


Financial Implications

Consider the financial implications of maintaining the property, including ongoing cleaning costs, professional consultations, and potential repairs or modifications.


Personal Preferences

Assess your personal preferences and tolerance regarding the presence of bats. Visit the property during the evening to observe their behaviour and determine whether their presence aligns with your lifestyle and comfort level.

Can you sell a house with bats in the attic?

In a word Yes, it is possible to sell a house with bats in the attic. However, there are certain considerations and requirements that need to be addressed in order to legally and ethically sell a property with bats:



As mentioned earlier, all bat species and their roosts are protected by law in the UK. It is essential to comply with legal requirements and regulations concerning bats before selling the property. This includes obtaining the necessary licenses or exemptions and ensuring that the bat roost is not disturbed during the sales process.



It is important to disclose the presence of bats in the attic to potential buyers. This should be done transparently and honestly, providing them with accurate information about the presence of bats and the legal implications associated with their protection.


Professional Assessment

Prior to selling, it is advisable to have a professional bat surveyor assess the bat population and the condition of the roost. This assessment can provide potential buyers with a clear understanding of the bat presence and any associated maintenance or legal requirements.



The presence of bats in the attic may affect the perceived value of the property for some potential buyers. It is important to take this into account when determining the selling price. Some buyers may see the presence of bats as an advantage due to the environmental benefits they provide, while others may see it as a disadvantage due to potential maintenance or lifestyle concerns.



It is essential to consider that not all buyers may be interested in purchasing a property with bats in the attic. Some buyers may have personal preferences or concerns regarding bats, noise, or maintenance associated with their presence. Thus, it is important to be prepared for potential buyers who may decide against purchasing the property due to the bat presence.


Professional Assistance

Working with experienced real estate agents and legal professionals who are knowledgeable about the regulations and requirements concerning bats in the UK can help ensure a smooth selling process and proper compliance with the law.


In summary, while it is possible to sell a house with bats in the attic, it is crucial to comply with legal requirements, disclose the presence of bats to potential buyers, and consider their preferences and concerns. Seeking professional guidance and ensuring transparency throughout the process can help facilitate a successful sale.


Do you have to declare bats when selling a house?

In the United Kingdom, when selling a house, it is required by law to disclose any known material information about the property to potential buyers. The presence of bats in the attic is considered material information that should be disclosed during the sales process. While there is no specific legal requirement that explicitly states the need to declare bats, the broader legal framework and ethical considerations strongly suggest disclosure.


Here are a few reasons why it is advisable to declare bats when selling a house


Legal Obligation

Under consumer protection laws, sellers are obligated to disclose material information that could significantly affect a buyer’s decision. Bats in the attic can fall under this category, as they are protected species and their presence may have legal implications for the property.


Honesty and Transparency

Disclosing the presence of bats demonstrates honesty and transparency during the sales process. It allows potential buyers to make an informed decision and consider any implications associated with the presence of bats, such as legal requirements or maintenance considerations.


Avoiding Potential Legal Issues

Failure to disclose the presence of bats, especially if it is later discovered by the buyer, can lead to legal disputes, potential claims, and financial liabilities. Disclosing the information upfront helps mitigate these risks and establishes a trustworthy relationship between the buyer and seller.


Buyer’s Preferences

Some buyers may have personal preferences or concerns regarding bats, such as noise, odour, or potential maintenance requirements. By disclosing the presence of bats, sellers allow potential buyers to assess their own comfort levels and make decisions based on their preferences.


Do Home Inspectors check for bats?

Home inspectors typically assess the overall condition of a property and identify any visible issues or concerns. While home inspectors may observe signs of bats or their presence during their inspection, it is important to note that they are not specifically trained to identify or confirm the presence of bats.


However, some home inspectors may include a general mention of potential wildlife or pest-related issues in their reports, which could encompass bats if they are evident or if there are signs of their presence. They may note any observable signs such as bat droppings (guano), stains, or other indicators that could suggest the presence of bats.


If the home inspector suspects the presence of bats or encounters clear signs of an infestation, they may recommend further evaluation by a qualified professional, such as a bat surveyor or wildlife specialist. These experts have specialized knowledge and equipment to assess the presence of bats accurately and provide detailed information about their habitat and potential issues associated with them.


While home inspectors can provide a general overview of a property’s condition, it is important to consult with professionals specifically trained in bat surveys if you require a more thorough evaluation or confirmation of bat presence in the attic or elsewhere on the property.


How to get rid of bats in UK

In the United Kingdom, bats are protected by law, and it is illegal to intentionally disturb or harm them or their roosts. Therefore, it is crucial to approach bat issues in a humane and legal manner. If you are experiencing problems with bats in your property, here are some steps you can take:


Seek Professional Guidance

Contact a bat conservation organization or a licensed bat specialist for guidance. They will provide you with specific advice tailored to your situation, helping you understand the legal requirements and conservation considerations associated with bats.


Conduct a Bat Survey

If you are experiencing significant issues with bats or want to assess the extent of the problem, consider hiring a professional bat surveyor. They can determine the species, roost size, and the nature of the problem, providing recommendations for mitigation and conservation measures.


Exclusion and Prevention

In some cases, it may be possible to exclude bats from specific areas of your property to minimize conflicts. This should only be done following professional advice and with the appropriate licenses or permissions. It typically involves installing one-way bat valves or tubes that allow bats to exit but not re-enter the roost.


Maintaining Roost Sites

Bats have specific roosting requirements, and maintaining suitable roost sites can encourage bats to use alternative locations instead of your property. Installing bat boxes in nearby trees or other suitable structures may provide an alternative roosting option.


Conservation and Mitigation Measures

Work with professionals to implement conservation and mitigation measures that allow bats to continue using your property without causing significant issues. This may involve modifying the attic or other areas to provide bat-friendly spaces while ensuring the bats’ activities do not disturb residents.


Educate and Raise Awareness

Bats are valuable and protected creatures. Educating yourself, your family, and your neighbours about the importance of bats in the ecosystem can foster understanding and appreciation for their presence. Raising awareness about their ecological role can help create a positive attitude toward coexisting with bats.


Remember, it is essential to follow the legal requirements and guidelines for dealing with bats. Working with professionals and seeking advice from local bat conservation organizations will help ensure you approach the situation in a responsible and lawful manner while preserving the welfare of these protected species.


How long does a bat stay in one place?

The length of time a bat stays in one place can vary depending on several factors, including the species of bat, the season, and the availability of food and suitable roosting sites. Generally, bats are not sedentary animals and tend to move between roosts frequently. Here are some considerations:


Roosting Patterns

Bats typically roost in specific areas during the day and become active at night to feed. Some bats, such as the common pipistrelle, may use multiple roosts throughout the year, while others, like the brown long-eared bat, tend to have more stable roosting sites.


Seasonal Movement

Bats often exhibit seasonal movements to optimize their access to food sources. They may migrate to different locations during the winter months or move to areas with higher insect abundance during the warmer seasons.


Maternity Roosts

Female bats establish maternity roosts during the summer to give birth and raise their young. These roosts are typically used for a specific period, usually a few weeks to a few months, until the young bats are independent enough to fly and forage on their own.


Hibernation Sites

Some species of bats hibernate during the winter months in specific hibernation sites, such as caves, mines, or underground structures. They may remain in these sites for several months without activity or movement.


Foraging Areas

Bats regularly move between different foraging areas in search of prey. They may travel significant distances each night to find suitable feeding grounds, depending on the availability of insects and other food sources.


It is important to note that disturbance or changes in the availability of suitable roosting sites and food sources can influence bat movement patterns. Conservation efforts aim to protect these vital resources and ensure the long-term survival of bat populations.


If you have concerns about the presence of bats in a specific location, it is advisable to consult with a bat specialist or a local bat conservation organization. They can provide more detailed information based on the specific circumstances and help address any questions or concerns you may have.

Can bats damage your house?

Bats typically do not cause direct structural damage to houses. However, their presence can lead to some indirect issues that may require attention.


Here are a few potential concerns associated with bats and their impact on houses:


Guano (Droppings)

Accumulation of bat guano can occur in roosting sites, such as attics or wall voids. Over time, guano can emit a strong odour and may cause staining or damage to the surfaces it accumulates on. It can also attract insects, which may contribute to further issues.

Noise and Disturbance

Bats are nocturnal animals and may be active during the night, causing noise that could potentially disturb occupants, particularly if they are roosting near living areas or bedrooms.

Health Risks

While the presence of bats itself does not pose direct health risks, their droppings (guano) may harbour fungal spores, such as Histoplasma capsulatum, which can cause respiratory issues in humans if inhaled. Proper precautions should be taken when handling or cleaning up bat guano.

Entry Points and Gaps

Bats can gain access to houses through small openings or gaps, such as damaged roof tiles, gaps in eaves, or openings around vents. Identifying and sealing these entry points is essential to prevent further bat intrusion and potential damage caused by other pests that may exploit the same openings.

 It is important to note that in the UK, bats are protected species, and their removal or eviction without proper licenses or exemptions is illegal. If you suspect bats are present in your house or have concerns about their impact, it is advisable to consult with a bat conservation organization, a licensed bat specialist, or relevant local authorities to ensure that any necessary actions are taken in compliance with the law and in consideration of bat conservation.

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